5231 Irish Studies in International Affairs
Volume 20 2009. €10.00
Coolfin Books
Bridge Street
Co. Waterford Close

Thirty years of Irish Studies in International Affairs by John Doyle 1
The Responsibility to Protect
The Responsibility to Protect: Ending Mass Atrocity Crimes Once and for All by Gareth Evans 7
Responsibility to Protect: from Concept to Implementation by Peter Power 15
A Responsibility to Protect by Colonel Colm Doyle 21
Unravelling the Paradox of 'The Responsibility to Protect' by David Chandler 27
Good Samaritans: When do we Heed 'the Responsibility to Protect'? by Alynna J. Lyon 41
Africa and the 'Responsibility to Protect': What role for the ICC? by Jakkie Cilliers, Sabelo Gumedze and Thembani Mbadlanyana 55
The Role of Islam in Sudanese Politics: a Socio-Historical Perspective by Ben Noble-Frapin 69
Northern Ireland
After Ethnic Conflict: Religion and Peace-building in West Belfast by Neil Southern 83
Intelligence and Controversial British Interrogation Techniques: the Northern Ireland Case, 1971–2 by Samantha Newbery 103
Ireland: Domestic Affairs and International Relations
Securing the State with Soldier Spies: evaluating the Risks of using Military Personnel to gather Surveillance Evidence in Ireland by Michael Mulqueen 121
The Politics of Cordiality: Continuity and Change in Irish—American Diplomacy during the Johnson Presidency, 1963–9 by Paul Loftus 143
Annual Reviews
Ireland's Foreign Relations in 2008 by Nicholas Rees 167
Ireland's Foreign Aid in 2008 by Helen O'Neill 193
Abbreviations 223